ESC5: Label-free techniques for the characterization of protein interactions
Dates: 3rd-5th May 2023
Location: Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (MoB-IBT)
Full address: Prumyslova 595, 252 50 Vestec, Czech Republic
Number of participants: 10
It is no longer possible to apply for this course.

Description of the course:
The course will be focused on the application of label-free biophysical techniques iTC, MST, and DSF for the characterization of protein interactions and will combine both theoretical and practical content.
Outline of the course:
The course will start on Wednesday 3rd of May afternoon and end on Friday 5th of May afternoon.
Day 1
Lecture 1: Introduction to iTC: principles and experimental design
Lecture 2: Principles of MST technique, Label-Free MST, Differential scanning fluorimetry technique
Tour of the Centre of Molecular Structure facilities.
Day 2
Hands-on workshop in two groups of 5 participants.
1st group – iTC
2nd group – LF MST, DSF
1st group – LF MST, DSF
2nd group – iTC
Day 3
Troubleshooting, data analysis, questions.
~ 1.5 hour 1st group – iTC; 2nd group – LF MST, DSF,
next 1.5 hours 1st group – LF MST, DSF; 2nd group – iTC.
Other details:
Participants will receive partial financial support to attend the course, including economy travel, lunches, dinners and 2 nights of accommodation with breakfast (accommodation will be booked by the organizers). Ten travel bursaries of a maximum 300 euros each will be offered to cover travel costs. Successful applicants will be informed of the eligible expenses when they receive a formal acceptance letter.
Download a pdf version of a flyer for this course via the link below:
The MOSBRI End user Short Course, Label-free techniques for the characterisation of protein interactions, was held at Institute of Biotechnology of AS CR, Vestec, Czech Republic (MoB-IBT), in May 2023.
10 participants attended the MOSBRI course (ESC5).
This short training course was focused on the application of label-free biophysical techniques, such as Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (iTC), Label-Free Microscale Thermophoresis (LF MST), and Differential Scanning Fluorimetry (DSF) and Mass Photometry (MP) on the characterization of protein interactions. The course was aimed at researchers with little experience, who want to acquire new skills in the application of label-free biophysical methods to characterize macromolecular interactions. The course comprised of lectures devoted to the fundamentals of iTC, MST, DSF, and MP and experimental design considerations, followed by practical sessions, where participants were welcome to bring their samples to the course, and data analysis.
Course programme
Wednesday 3rd May 2023
12:30 – 12:50 | Arrival, coffee |
12:50 – 13:00 | Introduction Jan Dohnálek |
13:00 – 14:00 | Lecture 1: Introduction to iTC: principles Tatsiana Charnavets |
14:00 – 14-20 | Coffee break |
14:20 – 15-00 | Lecture 2: Introduction to iTC: experimental design Tatsiana Charnavets |
15:00 – 16:00 | Lecture 3: Principles of MST techniques, label-free MST Josef Houser |
Differential scanning fluorimetry technique Josef Houser |
16:00 – 16:20 | Coffee break |
16:20 – 17:50 | Tour of the Centre of Molecular Structure Charnavets, Stránský, Pavlíček, Pompach, Trundová |
19:00 | Dinner Šalanda – Pankrác |
Thursday 4th May 2023
9:30 – 10:00 | Arrival, coffee |
10:00 – 13:00 | Hands-on workshop in two groups of five participants |
1st group – iTC Tatsiana Charnavets |
2nd group – LF MST, DSF Eva Paulenová |
13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch break + coffee |
14:00 – 17:00 | Hands-on workshop in two groups of five participants |
1st group – LF MST, DSF Eva Paulenová |
2nd group – iTC Tatsiana Charnavets |
Friday 5th May 2023
9:30 – 10:00 | Arrival, coffee |
10:00 – 11:00 | Work in two groups of five participants |
1st group – Review of techniques for the measurements of molecular interaction, iTC troubleshooting, questions Tatsiana Charnavets |
2nd group – Interaction determination by Mass photometry, data analysis, questions Jan Stránský |
11:00-12:00 | Work in two groups of five participants |
1st group – Interaction determination by Mass photometry, data analysis, questions Jan Stránský |
2nd group – Review of techniques for the measurements of molecular interaction, iTC troubleshooting, questions Tatsiana Charnavets |
Course material
Introduction to the ESC5 course and MOSBRI
Lecture – Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (iTC) technique
Lecture – Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (iTC) experiment
Lecture – Interactions from stability of biomolecules
Differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF)
Lecture – Microscale thermophoresis
Application to take part in the course
The course is limited to 10 participants and therefore any interested parties will need to submit an application for consideration to take part.
Who is eligible to apply:
Anyone with a workplace/host institution in one of the EU member or associated states may apply to attend this course (this includes people from the UK). Applicants from industry are also welcome. It is expected that the applicant has at least a basic knowledge of molecular biology, chemistry and/or biophysics and that it is applicable to their area of research/work. Applications from scientists in the early-stage of their career are particularly encouraged and we will strive to obtain a gender balance of the participants in the course.
How to apply:
The application consists of:
- submission of a completed course application form which includes:
- motivation for attendance
- a short scientific CV
- if you are a student or postdoc, a reference letter.
Once the application period is closed, all submissions will be reviewed and the applicants will be informed of the outcome.
When to apply:
It is no longer possible to apply for this course. The applications received are under review and applicants will be informed once a decision has been made.
Application deadline:
The deadline for submission of an application to participate in this course was the: 12th March 2023.