10) EPR-MRS – EPR-Facility Bioénergétique et Ingénierie des Protéines, CNRS & Aix-Marseille University
Location: Marseille, France
MOSBRI reference site for the following techniques:
EPR: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
Practical information:
View here.

Partner description
The EPR facility in Marseille (EPR-MRS) is located in the Institute of Microbiology of the Mediterranean. It is part of the four French centres of the national EPR network: “Infrastructure de Recherche” RENARD – IR CNRS 3443. It is the most important centre in terms of EPR equipment and human resources and is mainly focussed on applications and developments in Life Sciences at the Chemistry-Biology interface.
Instruments / methodologies offered through TNA
- CW EPR: spectrometers working at S, X, Q and W bands (4, 9, 35 and 95 GHz, respectively), T range 1.5-300 K. Bench-top X-band EPR spectrometer (room temperature)
- Pulse EPR: spectrometer working at X, Q and W bands, T range 1.5-300 K. Arbitrary Wave Generator for microwave pulse shaping. Cryofree system (recycled Helium).
- Double resonance techniques: ENDOR (X and Q bands), DEER (X, Q and W bands)
- Sample preparation: redox poising (glove box for sample preparation under anaerobic conditions), grafting of exogenous spin labels (nitroxide spin labels), isotopically labeled samples
- Data analyses: software and routines, simulations of EPR experimental spectra. Development of dedicated routines (GUI) for specific data processing.
- More specific expertise: hyperfine interactions and spin-spin coupling analyses to gain high resolution structural data at sub-molecular scale, dynamic properties and long-range organization (inter-label distance measurement) of various biological systems: IDPs, protein complexes, enzymes …
- NEW pipeline available (June 2022): Redox centre identification, electron transfer and catalytic activities in metalloenzymes and metalloproteins. >>Read more
Access modality: Access is typically allocated for 5 days. Both physical and remote access is available.
Sample requirements
Full details of the sample requirements for each of the techniques offered at this TNA site can be found here.