MOSBRI partners have attended many conferences and meetings, where the project has been presented, read about some of them below.
Partners of MOSBRI presented the project at the XXVIII School of Pure and Applied Biophysics in Venice
“Molecule in(ter)action: from nano to macroscale“
5th – 9th February 2024
The aim of the school was to explore the structure, conformation, dynamics and interactions of biomolecules in multiple environments, ranging from solution to living cells and biological tissues. Several experimental techniques were explored, to follow both in vitro and in vivo biochemical reactions and other processes relevant for life. MOSBRI contributed to the organisation of the school and three members of the MOSBRI consortium attended, giving a lesson and presenting the MOSBRI network and the opportunities available for TNA. Valerie Belle (EPR-MRS), Claudio Canale (LAMBS) and Daniel Aili (ProLinC).
Breakthrough methods in molecular biophysics: ARBRE-MOSBRI organised session at EBSA2023
4th of August 2023
On Friday the 4th of August 2023, a MOSBRI-ARBRE organised session took place at the EBSA 2023 conference in Stockholm.
The session “Breakthrough methods in molecular biophysics” was co-organised by the ARBRE association and MOSBRI, with the support of the French Biophysical Society (SFB) and chaired by Isabel Alves (Bordeaux) and Tomasz Kobiela (Warsaw). The session was well attended, with ~100 people in the audience.
Long-term sustainability of small and mid-scale distributed RI projects
19th of October 2022
The European Science Foundation, the MOSBRI Project, the VITALISE Project and EuroPlanet co-organised a side event within the framework of the ICRI 2022 Conference in Brno regarding “Long-term sustainability of small and mid-scale distributed RI projects”. The event took place on Wednesday, 19 October 2022 from 9:00-12:00am in a hybrid form, with in-person attendance capacity and unlimited online participation spots.
Four pan-European INFRAIA projects and organisations, i.e., the European Science Foundation, the MOSBRI project, the VITALISE project and EuroPlanet, co-hosted the “Long-term sustainability of small and mid-scale distributed RI projects” hybrid side event of the ICRI 2022 Conference.
ENRIITC your Coffee – The MOSBRI project: Challenges for the sustainability of INFRAIA projects after Horizon 2020
22nd of September 2022
The ENRIITC your Coffee event – The MOSBRI project: Challenges for the sustainability of INFRAIA projects after Horizon 2020 – took place on Thursday the 22nd of September 2022, 15:00-15:30
ENRIITC is the European Network of Research Infrastructures and Industry for Collaboration. They are 11 Partners and 60+ Associates working together to establish a pan-European network of Industrial Liaison and Contact Officers (ILOs/ICOs) to improve the RI-industry cooperation and boost the innovation ecosystem in Europe.
This event was an interactive session where Patrick England and Liliana Avila Ospina presented MOSBRI and discussed briefly the sustainability of INFRAIA projects after H2020 funding.
Partners of MOSBRI represented the project at the Instruct Biennial 2022 in Utrecht
19th & 20th of May 2022

The 5th Instruct Biennial Structural Biology Conference showcased the latest in integrative structural biology worldwide. The conference was held in the Netherlands, from 19th – 20th May 2022 and the theme of this year was “Changes in Structural Biology: Challenges in Studying Dynamics”.
MOSBRI participated as a sponsor of the event and the partners from the Institut Pasteur, SPC-EMBL and MoB-IBT presented MOSBRI at the project’s booth and their research work in the poster session. It was a great opportunity to advertise our TNA to the structural biology community, other research infrastructures and the industry representatives present at the meeting.
MOSBRI was present at the 8th NovAliX conference in Munich
9th to 11th of May 2022

The 8th NovAliX conference Biophysics in Drug Discovery was a hybrid event mainly addressed to the industry aiming to bring together the community of biophysicists, structural biologists, pharmacologists, and medicinal chemists, to explore synergies between their disciplines for the discovery of better drugs. MOSBRI participated with a booth and its coordinator Patrick England made a presentation to advertise the project activities and services to the attendees.
The MOSBRI project manager (Liliana Avila – Institut Pasteur) and two MOSBRI partners, Juan Sabin (Affinimeter) and Angelica Struve (SPC-EMBL) attended the meeting. Chris Genick (Novartis Pharma), member of the scientific advisory board of MOSBRI, gave a presentation about Positioning Biophysics on the Drug Discovery Map and participated in the roundtable “Big Data Management in Biophysics”.
MOSBRI participation at the international RaBBiT Meeting 2022
9th to 11th of May 2022

Bruno Guigliarelli, Professor at Aix-Marseille Université, presented the MOSBRI project and gave a talk about the applications of the EPR spectroscopy for studying structure, catalysis and biogenesis of complex Mo-enzymes during the RaBBiT (Radiation Biology and Biophysics Training Doctoral Programme) Meeting 2022 in Lisbon from 9th to 11th of May.
The RABBIT doctoral programme, hosted by Portuguese universities and directed by Professor Pedro Tavares (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa), provides advanced training by putting together a set of different experts in their specialised fields, introducing students to cutting-edge theories and research methods, comprising an advanced and up-to-date training in radiation biology and biophysics.
MOSBRI was present during the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting 2022
19th to 23rd February 2022

The MOSBRI project was presented at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (BPS) 2022 in San Francisco, USA (19th to 23rd February). With nearly 5000 attendees, this event brought together leading scientists from all over the world who work at the interface of the life, physical, and computational sciences.
MOSBRI was represented by Wouter Roos from the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, who displayed a poster of the project and chaired one of the method-oriented workshops on High-Speed AFM, focused on helping the participants gain working knowledge of new technologies. Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede, a member of the MOSBRI scientific advisory board, was also present as part of the council of the International Biophysical Society.
The BPS2022 is the first event where MOSBRI was presented overseas, and a good opportunity to disseminate the project’s aims and activities among a wide group of scientists worldwide.
MOSBRI was showcased during the 13th European Biophysics conference in Vienna
24th to 28th July 2021
The MOSBRI project was formally presented to the European biophysical community during the EBSA congress, that took place from 24th to the 28th of July 2021 in Vienna, Austria.
Attendees of the conference (450 in person + 250 online) could learn about the MOSBRI Research Infrastructure and its multidisciplinary approach via a poster and through discussion with some of its partners. Moreover, an oral presentation of the project backbone programme, including transnational access, networking and joint research activities, was given to the EBSA executive committee.
This event allowed news about the aims and activities of MOSBRI for the next 4 years to be disseminated, and to strengthen networking with a diverse group of biophysicists worldwide.