ESC9: Correlative microscopy: from cells to single molecules

Date(s) - 02/12/24 - 06/12/24
All day event


Link: ESC9 webpage


MOSBRI ESC9 will take place as part of a larger annual workshop, the “9th NIC@IIT and MOSBRI Advanced Microscopy practical workshop“, organised by the Nikon Imaging Centre and the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genoa.

The course will cover topics such as: sample preparation, atomic force microscopy and spectroscopy, confocal microscopy, image scanning microscopy (ISM); STED; STORM, d-STORM, live cell imaging, 2PEFM, FLIM, FCS, fast volumetric imaging, expansion microscopy.

During the course the participants will learn about the fundamental background and operational procedures of the techniques and hands-on practice with the instruments will be performed. Attention will be given to sample preparation, set-up operation, data gathering and data analysis.

Read more about this course and apply for support here.