Address: Průmyslová 595, 252 50 Vestec, Czech Republic
Google map: https://goo.gl/maps/ykCn6u8Mfd2bLS1dA
Practical information related to a TNA visit.
- Contact person for practical arrangements: Magdalena Schneiderova (email: ), +420 325 873 703.
The Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences offers the possibility to accommodate visitors at its dormitory which is located approximately 15 minutes by bus from the TNA site.
Local travel to the TNA site
The TNA site is located at Průmyslová 595, Vestec just outside of Prague, Czech Republic.
- Travel by car – the site has a parking lot available for visitors
- Taxi – From the airport to the site, the quickest route is by taxi, you can use the company AAA taxi +420 222 333 222
- Travel by public transport – Prague has excellent public transportation. You can find connections from your location to the TNA site at: https://pid.cz/en/find-a-connection/ The stop closest to the site is Vestec, BIOCEV.
Administrative procedures for carrying out a TNA (booking accommodation, reimbursement, requirements for reporting etc.)
For assistance with booking accommodation, finding local transportation, claiming reimbursement or any other administrative issues, please contact Magdalena Schneiderová, (email: ), +420 325 873 703.
Any other relevant information
For information regarding the current Covid-19 situation and related safety and health measures at the Institute contact Magdalena Schneiderová (email: ), +420 325 873 703 before your visit.
- The site has a cafeteria which is open from 8am to 16pm and serves breakfast, lunch and snacks.
- Access to the labs and instruments is provided by operators in charge of the given instrument and technique:
- Steady-state and time resolved spectroscopy; CD; ITC, DSC; MST, SPR; DSF; DLS; UV/VIS: Tatsiana Charnavets, (email: ), +420 325 873 789.
- NT8; Nitrogen glovebox: Jiří Pavlíček, (email: ), +420 325 873 787.
- Advanced SAXS: Jan Stránský, (email: ), +420 325 873 788.
- Optical tweezers and confocal microscopy: Zdeněk Lánský, (email: ), +420 325 873 773.